When I was first elected
to the Legislature in 2008, I pledged to work in a civil and bipartisan way for
the people of District 16, and I believe I have done that by forging strong
alliances across party lines. Although
needed legislation still fails and bad legislations still passes, there have
been important victories. I think
we all know that extreme partisanship and incivility is harming our state and country,
and I will continue to make every effort to overcome it.
Some of the Legislation I Sponsored, Co-Sponsored and
Supported Which Passed
Senate Bill 1054 (2015) �
With certain limitations, allows the use of out-of-state powers of attorney and similar documents when new residents and travelers are not mentally
competent to sign replacement Idaho documents.
Senate Bill 1067 (defeated in regular session) and
House Bill 1 (passed in special session) (2015) � Enhances international enforcement
of child support obligations, while
preserving state sovereignty and American principles of fairness and due
process of law.
Senate Bill 1170 (2015) �
In addition to existing requirements, assures that those becoming Idaho judges are US citizens, that they
are ethical, and permits military legal experience to count towards state legal
experience requirements.
Taxes (2015) - Preventing double taxation
of income (House Bill 13), requiring public notice of rules hiking taxes (House
Bill 34), broadening the deductibility of retirement benefits (House Bill 36),
exempting glasses and contacts from sales tax (House Bill 75), and expanding disability
based circuit breaker property tax exemptions (House Bill 208).
Senate Bill 1373 (2016)
- allows stalking and harassment victims
to obtain civil protection orders.
House Bill 458 (2016) -
helps high school students earn college
credits free of charge. Credits cost far less when earned in
high school than at college. The
legislation I co-sponsored this session, and in previous sessions, is now
saving Idaho tax payers approximately $20 Million per year while helping cut
the cost of college for students.
House Bill 528 (2016) - ouse BillHouse requires testing and proper handling of sexual assault evidence kits.
House Bill 481 (2016) - allows
the terminally ill to try experimental
Senate Bill 1297 (2016)
- allows online voter registration.
Senate Concurrent
Resolution 151 (2016) � authorizes a legislative interim committee to ensure state agency hearings are fair
to citizens.
Some of the Legislation I Helped Defeat
House Bill 265 (2015) �
This was part of the doomed effort of some western states to takeover of federal lands, even though
it is legally impossible, would cost Idaho millions of dollars it doesn�t have,
and force a sell off and lock up of those lands. The bill passed the House, but died in the Senate.
House Bill 311 (2015) - I
vigorously fought this effort by House majority leaders to raise income taxes on middle and lower income
Idahoans while giving a tax cut to those at the top. Although the House passed the bill, it failed in the Senate.
House Bill 380 (2016) �
Another effort by House majority leaders to provide upper income Idahoans
outsized income tax advantages over
middle and lower income Idahoans, it would have reduced revenues for schools
and other general government operations by $27.8 Million.
Some of the Legislation Passed Over
My Objection
The politicians calling
the shots in the Legislature insisted on preserving the unwarranted privilege
of allowing elected officials to carry
concealed weapons without having to get a permit and undergo a criminal
background check like all other Idahoans.
House Bill 312 (2015) � This was a give-away to special
interests who have forced passenger vehicle owners to pay to fix roads and
bridges damaged by their heavy trucks. This bill raised transportation taxes over $94
Million by increasing passenger vehicle registration fees 43% to 87% (depending
on the vehicle) while raising big truck registration fees by less than � of 1%;
imposing a surcharge on electric ($140.00) and hybrid ($75.00) vehicles;
increasing fuel taxes by 7 cents per gallon; and, for the first time, taking up
to $55 Million from our schools and other general government operations for road
repairs. Although the Transportation Department agrees I-84 will be in gridlock
within 9 years unless the Treasure Valley has a much better public
transportation system, the bill did virtually nothing on this issue.
Senate Bill 1342 (2016)
� pushed the use of Bibles in public
schools. Fortunately, this
bill was vetoed.
Senate Bill 1389 (2016)
� permits the carrying of concealed weapons
within cities without a license.
House Bill 372 (2016) �
blocks the power of local governments to regulated plastic bags and other containers.
House Bill 431 (2016) � removes
the inflation index for the property tax homestead
exemption, and sets the exemption at $100,000 or 50% of assessed value,
whichever is less. In other words,
residences worth $200,000 or less receive a property exemption equal to 50% of
their assessed value, but residences worth more than $200,000 receive a
property tax exemption capped at $100,000 which will be less than 50% of their
assessed value.
House Bill 463 (2016) �
blocks the power of local governments to set minimum wages.
Add the Words Legislation
House Bill 2 (2015) - I have been one of the lead co-sponsors of the Add the Words
legislation for several sessions now.
Although the bill received a hearing, it was defeated on a party line
(4-13) vote in a House committee.
Over 200 people spoke at the multi-day hearing, with supporters
providing passionate and hard hitting testimony about its need.
Senate Bill 1196 (2016)
� Again in the 2016 session, I helped lead the fight to bar sexual orientation
and gender identity discrimination, but we were again unsuccessful.