Update: November 9, 2016
I want to thank my family, friends, and supporters for helping me win re-election to the Senate. Although there were many disappointing election results yesterday, I will continue the fight for a more progressive Idaho.
Yours truly,
Grant Burgoyne
WELCOME to my campaign website where you can learn more about me and my legislative work.
Why I am Ran for Re-election. In representing District 16 in the Idaho Senate, I work for you, not the special interests. This work is not complete so long as the politicians who control Idaho�s government pander to extremists and put well-connected insiders ahead of everyone else. I want to make things right for our state, and I want to continue my work for you and our community.
Where I Stand
I Work for You (not the special interests)
Common Sense, Reason, Civility & Inclusiveness (not extremism, fear, bigotry or bullying)
Medicaid Expansion (it�s the right thing to do and the smart thing for Idaho)
Local Control (respecting the right of local communities to govern themselves free from state interference)
Education and Job Training (quality programs; cut student costs and debt; create an education culture)
A Strong Economy and Good Paying Jobs (opportunity for all, not just the 1%; a livable minimum wage)
Protecting Our Public Lands (no state take overs and no sell offs to private interests)
Protecting the Environment (our air, land and water)
Human Rights (Add the Words; gender equity; welcome refugees and others who want to help build a stronger and better America)
Stopping the Nonsense (working on issues that matter instead of pandering to extremists)
Stopping the 1% from Buying Elections (it�s supposed to be 1 person 1 vote not $1.00, one vote)
Change is inevitable, but the politicians who control the Statehouse keep trying to turn back the clock. If Idaho can be more open to change, we can shape it in beneficial ways to preserve what we love about our state. If not, change will not be kind to us.